The following steps must be completed to make sure multiple assignments can sync.
Logon on to Willo Labs or Willo Labs (Stage) for QA.
Then in the same browser window redirect to the customer access area - (or for QA).
Select the Customer that we had created from the previous step.
Click on Settings
at top right.
Click on configure grade sync
on the right hand side.
Click the blue Edit Configuration
button at the bottom right.
Edit Configuration
Canvas URL
enter the institution’s canvas url for e.g
and Key
that you got from Canvas Developer Key.Enforce scopes
as Gradebook
.Save Configuration
button at the bottom.Hit the green Login to grant access or refresh access tokens
This will take you to the LMS to login (as an LMS administrator) and request that you authorise.
Now back in the Grade Sync Configuration hit the Test Configuration
button at the bottom.
If the Grade sync status
shows up as a green Enabled
and the test comes back with a 200 - OK status, you’re all set. Otheriwse just keep refreshing until you see it so. This may take up to 30 minutes to take effect.